Uniform Shop
The P&C has registered the uniform shop for the Back to School Vouchers for 2023 from Service NSW. If you would like to use your vouchers at the uniform shop, please go in to see Lauren Phillips or Evy Hatzigiannis in person to claim the vouchers. You will NOT be able to use the vouchers through Flexischools as they are not set up for it. Please note that no change is given with the vouchers.
The uniform shop will operate from 8.30am – 9am Tuesdays and Fridays.
The RLPS Uniform Committee and P&C Uniform Shop announced in 2019/2020 the introduction of some new items and options to the school uniform collection to accommodate requirements of students in our K-6 school.
The uniform will offer a number of “mix and match” items that are designed to be worn throughout the year. The phased approach over 5 years allows all families the chance to transition as required.
Please see collection in our Uniform Lookbook
Orders can be made via Flexischools. Or order forms are available to download below. You can send completed forms to the school office via your child's take home folder.
Orders are processed twice per week. All orders will be given to your child to bring home.
If you have any queries for the uniform shop team, you can email them via the school russelllea-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au and your query will be passed on.
The uniform shop will also be open from 9:00am – 9:30am for sizing on Tuesdays and Fridays (subject to change).
Click here for the Uniform Look Book (PDF)
Click here for the Uniform Order Form (PDF with Pricing)
Click here for Flexischools to order Online